Sunday 22 February 2015

Evaluation question 2

 2) how does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our media product we originally planned to have six characters, but after re thinking the production. We narrowed it down to just three characters so it wouldn't be confusing. The characters were two boys and a girl. The boys were Fred and myself. The antagonist was the girl Bettie. This challenged the conventions of a thriller film, as females are seen to be weak and vulnerable. As a group we thought to have a female antagonist, as it would create a bigger shock to the audience.
We also went unconventional having both the boys as victims and no protagonists. The stereotypical boy would be seen as strong, over powering and in control.

Bettie role for most of the film was an everyday girl teenager, this was done to hide her identity of being the antagonist. The mis en scene, costume Bettie used was: jeans, jumper, converse and a coat so she looked like a normal teenager. Having Bettie casually dressed allowed the audience to easily relate to her. This is because we targeted our film at 15+ but mainly at he age range of 15-25. Therefor a stereotypical teenager would be easily relatable for someone in this age range, as the audience will either be a teenager or had just been a teenager.

All three characters in our media production were subversive to there gender. Bettie was dominant, clever and the killer. The boys were both powerless physically, mentally and they were both the victims. Although all the characters were displayed in a unconventional manor, our target audience is 15-25 so the characters we used were aged 16 and 17, this makes it easy for our target audience to relate to the characters even though they are unconventional of a thriller film.

The stereotypical thriller characters would be a strong male antogonist, usually masked or u identified. The stereotypical victim would be a innocent female, weak, vulnerable. Obviously in our media production we choose to be subversive and different to the rest. I think this was a good idea as it makes the film intriguing and orignal. Finally we choose not to mask Bettie as she was already masked by her gender, because it was not expected for Bettie to be the antagonist.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 2, demonstrates minimal understanding of how you presented your characters towards an audience. You have identified your target audience and you have started to consider the ways in which your characters would appeal to your audience. But the points that you have included are too minimal and does not relate back to your thriller in enough detail. 

    Therefore, you need to ensure that you relate back to your character representations, narrative and mise-en-scene to demonstrate further understanding of this question and of your product.
