Friday, 16 January 2015

Research- Group narratives - Miss Georgiou

Group narrative

In my group there are three members Bettie, Malu and myself.

Group member 1 - Kane Faulkner-Wild

My Film is going to be located in the forest. It will consist of a group of friends that take a stroll into the forest, they have an argument and one of the characters walks a head of the group (female), what no one noticed is that they was being stalked by a two men in white masks. once the girl is far enough ahead of the group the two stalkers show themselves. 
The group who are remaining split up to try and find the girl not knowing that she is now with the two masked men. The group then meet back up after not finding their missing friend, but now there is another missing in the group.
The group decide to stick together and leave the forest assuming the other two must be together. The group then see one of their friends laying dead in the bushes. They then panic and try and run out the forest and they bump into the two men.
The mis en scene will be set in the forest.
Iconography - The white masks.
There will be cinematography, a range of different camera angles to make the killers scary.
Our target audience will be 15 plus, mainly between 15-20 but aimed at the mass market as it the thriller genre is watched by all ages.

- Uses the conventions of a thriller film, i.e the forest location
- unidentified killer (masked)


Group member 2 - Bettie Cooper
The narrative I've come up with is the theme of cannibalism. This is when people eat other people. I think this is an unusual narrative an the idea is quite mysterious and disturbing. I think this would surprise people which is an element of thriller. Two characters are walking in the forest when they discover something isn't right and they are not alone. They could be walking their dog and when it runs off and goes missing they have to split up to look for it by themselves. This could be where something starts to go wrong and things start to become suspicious.My idea of a good setting for my short thriller sequence is in the forest at night time. I think this would be a good setting because it is automatically associated with frightening themes at night time. The iconograpy that we could use would be masks. This could be to show a hidden identity and make the murderer seem more mysterious and unknown. The use of masks makes sure that the audience cant build a relationship with the characters and it makes them anticipate what they may be like and what their intentions are. A good use of iconography would be weapons to use in my short thriller sequence. These weapons could include things such as a knife, a gun or perhaps a bat. This is because it is conventional to the thriller genre because the antagonist usually uses weapons to assist their attacks but also because it makes the audience feel more frightened and it creates suspense to what the weapons will be used for which always leads to death, pain or brutality.I think the weather should be cold, muggy and dull. This is because it is conventional to the thriller genre as it immediately gives a negative and cold feel to it, it makes the audience feel as if something bad is about to happen. and it gives them a sense of foreboding.
- Unusually and different narrative, not many people will think of the idea.

- Hard to film if we were filming the eating scene
- Could be seen as a bit unrealistic

Group member 3 - Malu Pillai

In this opening sequence, it would start by showing the setting of where the scene is set by displaying a panning of the forest. The lighting that would be show would be at a low key as it would create more suspense and enigma which is conventional for the thriller genre. After the setting is displayed, the frame would then display a slow zooming in into the two characters walking their dog so that we see a rough image of what the two characters look like and hear a typical conversation they would be having to represent their personalities. After this is displayed, it would be cut so immediately the focus is on the dog once it starts to sense that the bad omen is nearby and runs off. As the dog is running off, it will then cut straight into one of the characters point of view angle so that as the audience we can see what they are viewing and can see everything from their perspective to add more suspense. The camera angle will then change into a extreme long shot so that the audience can see the two characters split up and go different directions while we also see the focus on the background showing that they are isolated and have no one to help them adding more tension to the sequence. After the two characters have shown their two different departures would then change into the dogs point of view perspective and would slowly starting zooming in towards the back of the antagonist once the dog discovers that she is a cannibal and is eating the other characters. At this point we would then show her turning round to face the dogs perspective with her face covered in blood in a slow editing to add more suspense and shock towards the sequence and to add enigma and to display what she has done. After this the sequence would slowly fade out to leave the audience in shock and leave them with an untold enigma.

- Having the dogs POV camera angle is unusual


Final Group Narrative 


Kane's Friend

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrate basic group planning techniques and this is because you have not fully explored what the final group narrative will be. You have made a start in considering some of the advantages and disadvantages of each group members narrative, but the points that you have made are too vague and need to be explored in a lot more detail.

    Aim to discuss what the final group narrative will be, how it was selected and explore which narrative theory you will follow and why?
